What Are YOUR IDEAS And Experiences?

So often we writers put a lot energy into planning and perfecting our books that we neglect that the ultimate “The End” is really only the start. Many writers try to become authors–writers who are published–because most of us desire to be read, right? And the way to be read is usually to be released. It’s an exciting (and sometimes ulcer inducing) amount of time in publishing right now.

Now, more than ever, authors have more options to consider as they seek to have their works released. I’ll discuss both commercial and self-publishing, and just why it’s so important to have a game plan it doesn’t matter how you choose to publish. Publishing is not just a one-size-fits-all, so it’s important to learn just as much as you can from various resources so you can make the most informed choices.

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Why do I believe it’s so important to have an idea? Because I believe that authors should be focusing on finding visitors, not sales. Sales are fickle things. You might do some amazing marketing, if a concentrate is on getting the greatest number of sales, you might be missing the tag a little then.

Sure, you can find a lot on this written book, but think about the next? And the main one after that? If a focus is on finding readers–readers who’ll become fans–then you’re likely to get the sales anyway without restricting the sales and hard work to just one book. In the event that you go the commercial route, chances are you have a realtor and a publisher. This implies your books will likely–but not always–be stocked in bookstores like Barnes and Nobles and other indie stores. You’ll have access to editors, and the publisher will have a marketing and publicity department. Exactly what does this mean to the reader?

That lots of professionals all decided that your work meets industry standards and they worked well together to help you create it better still. Why do you will need a game plan? The economy was not a happy place for a long while, and publishers and bookstores are feeling the pinch.

This means shrinking budgets and less shelf space. Increasingly more, authors are required to help market their books. You can do this through blogging, Tweet, and Facebooking. Social media is very important, but I also think it’s misunderstood. The idea of cultural networking is to network. Meet people. Form interactions. What it isn’t for is advertisements. If you find yourself only making use of your sociable network accounts to publicize things about your books, you might like to rethink your strategy then.

I think you will surely use networking to say things like publication signings, contests, etc., but that should never be the focus. Commercials tend to be ignored, followed, and forgotten. And that means wasted time on the author’s part. Is interpersonal networking essential? Nope. If you don’t appreciate it, I wouldn’t do it. It will show and could impact your career negatively. There are plenty of highly successful authors that don’t Tweet, Facebook, or blog. The main thing is to do what works for you.