Better Business Practices Learned Through Monkeys #30

My beloved intelligent husband can inform when he has given me an explanation that will go way beyond my level of understanding or what I wish to know. My eyes over start to glaze, I look down within my toes and begin to ponder if I am ready for my next pedicure, I begin tapping my knees, and begin to scuff my head. He has a background in Electrical Anatomist and a Masters is got by me Degree in the Applied Recovery Arts. He likes to know how and why things work. I just want to know that they work and become surprised by the mystery of everything.

I like simple words and easy reads. My buddy Willie, a 10 lb. Wedge Capped Capuchin Monkey, adores me. When he sees me, he squeals with pleasure and gets to out for my hands. If he is eating, it doesn’t matter. He halts eating and squeals and drools with food in his mouth and everything.

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Nothing else matters when I am there. In short, it generally does not take long to comprehend the body language and noises of the monkeys. Although studies are being done on the difficulty of non-human primate communication still, we seem to understand each other with what we know now. Human communication however, could be very a bit more complicated (which is even if we speak the same language).

So much of business communication is now done through e-mails and meeting calls. This totally removes being able to read cosmetic expressions and body gestures. I personally do nothing like conference calls. They appear awkward to me quite. People often try to impress with business lingo such as “synergy”, “strategic fit” , and “gap analysis”.

I was lately e-mailed a brilliant game to play while on a conference call. It’s called Bull Bingo. Produced by Theodore R. Marmor from the Yale School of Management, you merely listen for conditions such as the ones above (and “result driven”, “ballpark”, “idea”, etc.) that are on a Bingo Board of numbers instead.

When you listen to one of the conditions being used, you mix off or indicate the spot. When you get 5 in a row, you stand up and shout “Bull”! I cannot wait for my next meeting call now (I don’t think I would ever Do this?? Nonetheless it could depend on whether or not I am consuming one glass of wine). I completely liked hearing a reserve on tape called Why Business People Speak Like Idiots—A Bullfighters Guide, by Brian Fugere, Chelsea Harduway, and Jon Warshawsky. They make some factors that loud had me laughing out, because I possibly could see that I was guilty of using some of the lingo these were making fun of. Must we wear leg high plastic boots to work to wade through the bull? Kick the jargon habit.

And in retrospect, the idea that a “Media Empire” crafted from a cooking show and a journal could be well worth a Billion dollars is kind of idiotic. Was it worth something? Yes. However, not a Billion. And as some described, the whole brand was based on one individual, and if that one individual was lacking from the picture (for example, disgraced and in prison) then the whole press empire could collapse.

I made the mistake of buying a stock I didn’t understand. What I was buying was a minority talk about in a ongoing company, whose only property were intellectual property – much like Groupon and Facebook essentially. And it was a fad, to some extent, that had been bashed by enough time the stock was offered already.

But I puzzled popularity with chemical – a name stated often in the press with success and profitability. The two are not the same. By the real way, MSO is still around, but is hemorrhaging cash, just like Groupon. So, when the Groupon IPO came out, The writing was seen by me on the wall. Ditto for Facebook and ZipCar. Highly touted companies that get a lot of mention in the media, but have no real money-making plan, or at least not one to justify the sky-high stock prices.

And yea, on web page 2, there’s a waffling piece where they quote some crank like me saying it is a lousy deal, which they qualify with a “well, you know never! Only time will tell!” kind of stopping. Recently, two stocks have obtained a whole lot of talk about in the press.